Since Liam is no longer the only kid around here, we decided to change the pace and keep up a family blog. This way you get to know about Livi too (and maybe even Momma and Daddy O). Check it out here.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Too Much
For some reason, I am absolutely in love with this photo Jordanna took at school today. It is just the sweetest/cutest thing ever and I had to share it.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Just sharin'
Just wanted to share this cute little pic of my two monkeys still basking in the glow from the win last weekend. These faces pretty much sum up the kind of weekend we had. It was fabulous. I made sure we had a fun one since it could potentially be our last weekend together as a family of three. The weather was beautiful, we saw members from both sides of the family, and generally just had a relaxing, pleasant weekend.
If you remember, a few weeks ago I was talking about how I didn't feel particularly ready for the birth. Well, that has all gone away. We've cleaned the house a couple hundred times (although with a two yr old, is your house ever really clean?), the "kids" room is ready, and I have envisioned the birth and even done my meditation tapes a few times.
Today is President's Day which means daycare is closed so I get some alone time with the little guy which I think is great before he has to share us all- out of the blue. Doesn't it sound like I'm ready to you? Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to care much. This thing is gonna happen on her watch and I don't have much say in the matter. And so we wait....
Friday, February 12, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
WHO DAT say gonna beat them Saints?!?!
Obviously, Liam has no idea what a big deal it is that the Saints won the Superbowl yesterday. According to Chris, he never will understand because Chris had to endure years of suffering whereas Liam has only been around for 2 years before he "saw" them win. But we still use this opportunity to brainwash him. He knows the fleur-de-lis represents the team and even has a stuffed whale named "Drew Brees". To hear him chant "who dat" is one of the cutest things ever. He may never know the pain that led up to such unexpected exhilaration like his dad, but he will grow up a fan.