Friday, April 25, 2008

He loves her

 We finally got some pretty good video of Liam laughing. You  can also see how much he adores our dog Maeby. He thinks she is just the funniest thing.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

18 week update

Today was Liam's 4 month checkup at the doctor. He is 2 ounces shy of 17 lbs and 26.5 inches long- still in the 95th percentile. He is officially off of his acid reflex meds which is great. He has rolled over a couple of times from his back to his stomach. He also  enjoys sucking on his big toes- quite the yogi. He is laughing alot more lately. Overall, he has become the perfect baby. He's just so happy most of the time. Anyone who knew him for the first two months of his life would never have guessed that he would turn out to be such a good baby. We are very lucky!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Maybe 30 Seconds

We put Liam down about 45 minutes ago and he cried for less than a minute and then all was quiet. It was the best sound I never heard. :) I love you and your torturous ways, Dr Ferber.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Babies!! Babies!! Babies!!

Eli came down to visit this weekend so Cameron and Liam went up to 
visit him at Grandma's house and the paparazzi followed. 
Cameron is not a fan of the flashes and decides to skip out early.
And take Liam with him.
Liam is not about to leave a man behind and takes Eli along. 
They would all rather play with the ever so popular bird thingee.

Ferber Update

So we all know how Monday started out. The rest of that night was not much fun either. Liam woke up once every hour until I finally just fed him at 3 to make him quiet. Tuesday took a little longer than Monday to get him down, which the book said was possible. It was his way of letting us know that he meant business and was not pleased with the situation. Wednesday was better- it took half the time, only 30 minutes, and he was out. Thursday was the best day. It only took 15 minutes and he slept from 9 up until 8 without waking up. I screwed everything up on Friday by trying to move up his bedtime by half an hour- greedy, stupid move that cost us another 40 minute night. Saturday was not great either because he was off his schedule all day and it took him 30 minutes to fall asleep. Not to mention he woke up at 3 and stayed up moaning and whining. I finally gave in and fed him at 4 and the little angel (and by angel I mean brat) was smiling and looking up at me as if it was 2 in the afternoon. He finally fell asleep around 5....grrrrr.... And now it is Sunday and I am so happy to report that he took about 10 minutes to fall asleep- we are back on track. The routine thing seems to be working because he starts crying as soon as we start playing "Beautiful Boy" and turn the lights off. I am not a fan of this new trend because having him start to cry before we leave the room makes everything that much harder, but that's probably all part of his elaborate plan. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Omigod- It happened!

So this morning I laid Liam down on his back to watch his little birdie while I sat at the computer to check my email. I got up a few minutes later, walked over to him, and he was laying on his stomach! Just like that! He rolled over for the first time and I missed it. I was all by myself with no one to share in my excitement. I tried to call Chris, but he was busy at work. Same with my mom and I didn't want to bug Kittyama at work. So I shared my excitement with the only person I could- Liam. I told him how proud I was of him and how advanced he was because most babies don't roll over until they are 4 months old and Liam was 2 days away from being 4 months old! This is the face he gave me. Do you see this face? This face says, "Relax lady. All I did was roll over. It's no biggie." I know it will probably be another week before he does it again- this was probably just a fluke, but it is just another reminder of how fast he is growing everyday.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The hardest thing ever

So tonight we decided that we would "ferberize" Liam. For those of you who do not know what that means, the Ferber method is a method used to get babies to sleep in their cribs on their own without crutches such as rocking, nursing, or pacifiers. Up until now, Liam has slept in his swing for naps and through the night. With the Ferber method, you basically set up a routine so that the baby knows when it is time for sleep and then you put him down and let him "cry it out". By the end of the week, they should be going to sleep on their own without any crying. So we started our routine with a bath and changing into his pj's and then I fed him. Chris read him a book, we put on a lullaby CD and sang John Lennon's "Beautiful Boy" to him, kissed him goodnight, put him down and turned off the lights. About 10 minutes later is when it started. It was a light crying at first, as if to tell us he was annoyed with being left in this dark room. Then it graduated to a real cry, but we were able to handle that. About a half hour in our child became completely possessed and started to make noises we had never heard come out of him. I went in to let him know we hadn't abandoned him and felt his little cheek drenched with tears. It was horrible. I can see why people put it off, but all the books say that it is easier to get it over with when they are younger and that he will be happier for it. The book didn't lie though. About 50 minutes after the crying had started, it stopped. Our initial reaction was, "Is he still breathing?", but we didn't want to go in right away for fear that we would wake him up. After about 10 minutes of silence, I went in to check on him and he was sleeping soundly. It was almost 10:00 by the time he fell asleep. Once we get the falling asleep thing down, we will work on getting him to bed earlier. It's supposed to be better tomorrow and even better the next day. Let's hope so..

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just Love These

These don't mark any special occasion or anything- I just love them. Liam is becoming quite a character as you can see in his many expressions. He has started sucking his lower lip (see pic #2) and has even started laughing. We are trying to get some good video of him laughing to post because it is the best sound in the world.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Naked Baby Spitup

 The title of this blog entry pretty much covers it...
Untitled from J O on Vimeo.