Sunday, March 2, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us

Friday was leap day. It was also Momma O and Daddy O's 4th wedding anniversary (or 1st depending on how you look at it). So we went out to celebrate on Saturday night and left Abuela and Abuelo Toledo to babysit. It was the first extended period of time that we have been away from Liam. We went out to dinner at Maggiano's and saw the movie "Be Kind, Rewind"- a total of about 5 hours away. Although we had a great time and a much needed break, we really missed Liam and couldn't wait to get home and give him kisses all of over his little face. Going out to dinner and a movie was like a big deal- way bigger of a deal than it ever was before. We came to the staunch realization that we have become those people whose big night out was "dinner and a movie". And the dinner is at 5:00 and the movie is at 7:00 because "we don't want to get home too late". We are totally those people now... and we totally love it! :)

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