Saturday, May 24, 2008

5 month update

Liam had his doctor's visit on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I am just getting to write about it now because our computer is not cooperating. Anyway, it went smoothly as usual. He is currently 27.5 inches long (95th percentile) and 17 lbs. 14 ozs. (which drops him down to the 75th percentile). So I guess this means he is starting to stretch out and lose some of his baby fat although you wouldn't know it from looking at him. In developmental news, he is rolling over all the time now. He still puts everything in his mouth, but he prefers more high technology gear to chew on such as cell phones and remote controls. He also loves to grab Momma O's hair with all of his might and pull and pull and pull.... I see now why so many moms end up with short haircuts. It may just be my imagination, but he seems to be getting more of a sense of humor- like he gets why certain things are funny. He loves playing peek-a-boo and chase the dog (although Maeby prefers the first game over the second). He is also very excited about getting to meet his Aunt Amy in a few days. 

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