This past weekend Liam learned a new word. A new word that was like music to my ears... mama. He has said it a couple of times in the past, but it was just a fluke sorta thing. Not this time my friends. He said it a couple of times yesterday, but today he was saying it all over the place. However, I have a feeling he is actually British because, more than anything, he has been saying mum (with an exaggeration on the m's). It is the best to watch too because he purses his lips with concentration, raises his eyebrows and says, mmmmuummmm. And he looks right into my face while he's saying it as if he is anticipating my approval and praise and boy does he get it.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Bucket Heads
These are actually parts of our rice cooker that Liam got into and started playing with. Of course, Chris had to get in on the action...
This is Liam's new thing. It's so cute- he points at everything. The other day we walked outside to greet Chris home from work and as soon as Liam saw Chris he started pointing at him and smiling. It doesn't sound that cute, but believe me it is.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
See what I mean
Sunday, September 21, 2008
9 Month Update
I am a day late, but Liam is now 9 months old. He is so cool. I don't know how much he weighs as he didn't have a doctor's appointment this month, but I can't imagine it's too much more than last month as I can't get him to eat anything. He has a weird thing with any food that has ANY texture. He will eat stage 2 baby food if he is hungry, but that is about as far as it goes. No cheerios, no teething biscuits. He won't even eat the stage 3 with some soft, chunky food in it. I tried mashing an avocado into his baby food the other day and he wouldn't have it. He will literally gag on the food once he feels it hit the back of his throat. I have started worrying about it a little bit, but want to wait another month before I go into full on "what is wrong with my baby" mode.
Back to the "he is so cool" remark. He says dada, dog, duck, and most often of all... dong. Everything is dong. He claps his hands when you sing "Yaaa Liam", he will flail his arms in the air when certain music is playing in an attempt to dance, and when he sees a pillow he will plop his head on it (to which we all respond with an aaahhhhh). He can pull himself up to stand on things that are level with him, but no attempts to take steps yet. Oh yea- and he has 7 teeth (with the 8th coming in)!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Daddy Week- Day 5
These are the pics that I got today. I realized that I never mentioned this before, but these pics are all being taken with the built in computer camera. It's an easy way to take some pics and send to me to keep me happy. I tried to get Chris to make up an IM account so that I could actually see video of them while I am here but he couldn't be bothered with such things. :(
Happy Birthday Daddy O! - Day 4
How lucky is little Liam to get to spend the whole week with his daddy? Chris amazes me with how much love he has for his son. There are some dads that would be bummed that they have to take care of a baby on their off time, but Chris relishes it. He is having such a blast with Liam, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to convince me that he needs to be a stay-at-home dad. To Chris, spending time with Liam is having a good birthday and that makes me pretty darn proud!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Daddy Week- Day 2
These are the pics I got today. I don't know. Either Liam is gaining weight or he is getting smarter.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Daddy Week Begins
Daddy O took a week off of work because he was gonna lose it if he didn't use it (sounds nice, huh!). He is so excited to get to spend time with Liam without that pesky Momma O around. But he does keep me in the loop and keep me smiling at work with updates and pics like these!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ode to Parents
I was in line at Dunkin' Donuts the other day to get a coffee. They have this big flat screen TV that displays ads for local businesses. While I was in line I noticed one advertising a life coach. At first I started thinking how ridiculous that was. And then I started reading all of the services they provide and the advice they give and I thought... Well, that's what my parents do for me for free! It got me thinking that maybe a life coach isn't such a bad thing for people who are not as fortunate as me. I can say with all certainty that we would not be on the mostly solid ground that we are on now if it were not for my parents. They have provided us with invaluable resources, time, advice, and sometimes even money to "set us up for success". I don't know what would have happened to us if we didn't have my dad's help with our Short Sale. And I know we wouldn't have had the Short Sale happen if it weren't for the entire kitchen being redone and wood floors that were put in. And who do you think helped us there? Their main concern is for us to be able to help our kids out the way that they have been able to help us out. And even as I write that I get all sentimental and warm and fuzzy inside. Because any doubt that I have of what kind of parent I might be vanishes once I realize that all I have to do is follow my parents example and everything will be just fine. And of course I can't finish out this post without giving a HUGE shout out to my "other parent" and Chris' actual parent :). Nancy has been extremely helpful in our attempt to getting back on our feet. We have been staying with her for about 2-3 months now and plan on staying there for a few more months. The time spent here is so important because instead of getting into debt playing catch up, we are able to put away some money and get back to some normalcy. So thank you parents. I salute you. You done good and hopefully we will too.