Monday, February 9, 2009

Oh yea. Did I mention Eli is 1?

Being that Eli lives in Orlando, we didn't get to see him on his actual birthday. But we did go up about a week ago and cupcakes were unfrozen and presents were opened. Let me tell you that this kid does not play around when it comes to anything edible. It was amazing to see him eat this thing. Kinda like those cartoons where they have a big bowl of spaghetti or something in front of them and they pile it into their mouths without much chewing or even inhaling. I don't know how else to describe it... is gobbled the right word? All I know is one minute, we were talking about how we should split up the cupcake so Liam could have some and the next it was gone. Two handfuls of chocolaty goodness gone in a matter of minutes. Mad respect Eli. Oh, and welcome to toddlertom.

1 comment:

Jackie Z said...

Oh... ok... he's adorable! That face is so funny!!! And you look GREAT too by the way!