Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pretty In Pink

Pretty sure the whole world knows by now that our second child is a girl. Although I was keeping my fingers crossed for a girl, I was trying not to get too ahead of myself because a boy would have been just as big of a blessing. I would hate to be one of those people who is disappointed by the sex of their baby.

Nonetheless, there have been so many boys in these parts that I found myself in a state of shock when the Tech announced the sex. It's still hard to believe. Tina and I were talking about it earlier and we don't know what to do with a girl. I guess it's fundamentally the same thing, but not really. Yea, they poop and pee the same and cry the same. But with a little more elegance? Not sure exactly how the difference in gender will change our family, but I am excited to find out.


Unknown said...

i was waiting for the formal blog post. very cute.. very cute..

Momma O said...

Obviously not a busy day at work ;)

Peggy said...

When I found out Emily was a girl, I was kind of relieved. I was thinking, what would I do with a boy?

Momma O said...

It's a relief to hear you say that. I feel funny thinking that way, but it's true- kind of a whole new ballgame.

Sof said...

Yay!!!! Dolls and bows and shopping!!! (JK, we're so not those girls...), but it will be fun anyway..can't wait!!