Saturday, December 19, 2009

2 Years Update

The last 2 years have been the best of my life. I could never have imagined how much fun (and work) having a kid would be. Liam is just the funnest, coolest kid I have ever met. He has a huge personality. His new phrases consist of "Wanna show you something", "Wanna go outside and skateboard", "Go Saints", and "Wanna have it" just to name a few. He has started talking so much in fact that he talks for a good 30 minutes after he goes to bed at night before he quiets down and falls asleep.

He is 28 3/4 lbs which puts him in the 60th percentile. I don't remember his height, but he is in the 80th percentile. The doctor says if he continues at the rate he is going, he will be around 6 feet tall when he grows up!

He already loves his baby sister. He is always kissing my tummy and putting his head on it to go "night night with baby sister". He can spell his name and count to 10 with no assistance. I can see his imagination start to emerge. He will take 2 toys and pretend that they are having a conversation with each other. His favorite game is hiding from daddy and having daddy scare the bejesus out of him. And he insists on doing it over and over again.
He loves to sit on the counter in the kitchen and help mommy cook dinner. When we are all done and dinner is served he says, " I made it".


Sof said...

I simply adore this family!!!

Unknown said...

love the pics!