Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Little Gourmand

I have come to the realization that my kid has a refined palate. It might be why we had such a hard time getting him to eat baby food- who knows? All I know is I made him a scrambled egg with no seasoning or cheese or anything one day and he spit it out of his mouth. Yesterday, I made MYSELF some eggs. I put it in the food processor with some ham, cheese, a little sour cream, and some ground sea salt and black pepper. Then I scrambled it up and they were great. Too bad I didn't get much of it. I offered some to Liam- figured I would give it another try and do you know that little booger ate half my breakfast?

It doesn't stop there. Some of the other foods he enjoys: steak and roasted potatoes, lemon basil Chicken with brown rice, baked potato soup, avocado and tomato salad, you get the picture... Some of the foods he does not enjoy: Cheerios, Goldfish, plain eggs, or most other normal kid fare! I guess what I really needed for Christmas was a personal chef for my son.

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