Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jordanna's New Flash

Jordanna is currently taking photography classes and just bought a fancy new flash to go with her fancy camera which means I benefit from her experimentation.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Liam has always been really good with sounds. He always tries to imitate words and his intonation is usually dead on. Even knowing this, I didn't believe Chris when he told me he taught Liam his first 2 syllable word. Then the other day I was giving Liam a bath and didn't say a word about his toy turtle. We were about to get out and the turtle came floating by and then the word "tur-tle" came floating out of his mouth.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fairs are fun!

It's been a couple of years since I have been able to go to the fair, so when my parents invited us along, I was quick to accept. I was really excited to take Liam to see the animals because he loves our dogs and all of the ducks in the backyard. He squeals with excitement when he sees a cat or a squirrel. But, to my surprise, he was pretty scared of them. He had no interest in feeding them or touching them. But overall, he still had a lot of fun.

OK, I know this has nothing to do with Liam, but... do you see something wrong with this picture?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Winter Wardrobe

Liam doesn't exactly have a "winter wardrobe". We live in a place where the temperature rarely dips below 70 degrees. So when it hit a ridiculous 40 degrees this morning, our options were limited. He had about one of each of the essentials, but they don't really match each other. The result was a combination hoodlum/homeless look. Hey whatever works- he was warm.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Skin and Bones

Liam lost 6 ounces due to not eating for the past few days. He has been sick- all congested and snotty and sleepy. Thankfully, no fever and no infections. And he has continued to drink which is the most important thing. The doctor said that is actually not that much weight to lose and didn't seem at all bothered by it. Liam is actually the only kid NOT on antibiotics right now at school. He did get some prescription cold and cough medicine, but that is just because he has so much mucus and they don't want it to evolve into an infection. I feel like he is already starting to come out of it. Tonight before he went to bed we got to see a glimpse of the happy baby that he really is (the one I miss...even if it has only been 5 days).

Saturday, January 17, 2009

If you didn't love Yo Gabba Gabba before...

I am going video crazy over here.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Mrs Jordanna Sweat Shop

Watch live video from Babies Toddlers & Little People on

Play Dough Love

Watch live video from Babies Toddlers & Little People on

In Jordanna's defense, he was playing with this stuff for like 10 minutes without any interest in eating it. Then she had to go to the rescue of Austin in the bathroom and he suddenly had an interest.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes

My most favoritist caregiver Jordanna has figured out how to make me even happier. She does live streaming every once in a while so I can watch Liam at work on my computer. It's great to see him walking around, having lunch, or, in this case, playing outside! The video is pretty long, but I couldn't bear to cut it down. So don't feel bad if you can't get through it all.

Watch live video from Babies Toddlers & Little People on

Monday, January 5, 2009

My favorite... errr... I mean HIS favorite!

For those of you who don't already know- I am obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba! I love it. It is awesome. Now before you get all righteous on me, let me say that I DO NOT let Liam watch television on a normal basis. In a perfect world, he wouldn't know what the silly looking box did. But this isn't a perfect world... I have to get ready in the morning and everyone else is already gone. So, I tivo the show and put him in his highchair while I go upstairs. It's also handy to go to the website when he is teething really badly and doesn't want anything to do with anything. But he will always find the time to stop crying if it means Yo Gabba Gabba!

How to describe the show to someone who isn't familiar? Well, DJ Lance Rock is the host. He is a fly guy- tall and lanky with thick rimmed glasses. He wears a psychedelic orange outfit and carries around 5 dolls in his boombox that come to life... the dolls come to life, not the boombox. It's set up to be a sort of variety show and is based mostly on music and dancing.

Biz Markie and Mark Mothersbaugh have recurring roles. If that isn't enough to get you watching, other guests on the show include: The Shins , The Roots, The Ting Tings, Amy Sedaris, Jack Black, Andy Samburg, and many more. I love a show that is creative, musical, and fun for parents to watch too. We have the soundrack for the show and I have been known to put it on when there is nobody under the age of 25 around for miles.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Evan!

Before there was Liam or Cameron or Eli..... there was Evan. It's hard to believe, but Athena's little baby is three years old now! He is as smart as can be and a little sweetheart to boot. If you can't guess by the pictures, the theme was Disney. He is VERY into characters right now and I think this party just put him on cloud nine. Happy Birthday Evan- your aunt Jessi loves you very much!

A New Year

As a new year begins in Liam's life, so begins a new year for all of us. Things have been so hectic lately, I barely noticed the new year creeping up on me. Of course, this time of year always means time spent with family. Since we had Michelle, Neil, and Eli in town, my mom thought it would be a great time to have an "open house". This just means that we have food and drinks out all day and friends can come and go basically all day long. I think it's a great way to start the new year- reconnecting with all your friends and family. It was such a great time.

The weather was beautiful so we all spent the day outside for the most part. My mom has a special group of friends- many of whom have daughters that have kids. So all of my mom's friends were there, as well as there kids and grandkids. What I am getting at is... there were a bunch of kids. This past couple of years has been a wave of pregnancies and births among people I know and this was the first time I've been able to see them all interact. To see all these kids playing with each other made me feel like we were entering the next phase of parenthood- makes me feel more like... an adult. I love it!