Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fairs are fun!

It's been a couple of years since I have been able to go to the fair, so when my parents invited us along, I was quick to accept. I was really excited to take Liam to see the animals because he loves our dogs and all of the ducks in the backyard. He squeals with excitement when he sees a cat or a squirrel. But, to my surprise, he was pretty scared of them. He had no interest in feeding them or touching them. But overall, he still had a lot of fun.

OK, I know this has nothing to do with Liam, but... do you see something wrong with this picture?


Peggy said...

Sponsered by KFC...hmmm

Unknown said...

I guess I am a dong dong dong... never noticed live animals at a fair! I thought thats where I can find some chicken fingers!!