Monday, January 5, 2009

My favorite... errr... I mean HIS favorite!

For those of you who don't already know- I am obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba! I love it. It is awesome. Now before you get all righteous on me, let me say that I DO NOT let Liam watch television on a normal basis. In a perfect world, he wouldn't know what the silly looking box did. But this isn't a perfect world... I have to get ready in the morning and everyone else is already gone. So, I tivo the show and put him in his highchair while I go upstairs. It's also handy to go to the website when he is teething really badly and doesn't want anything to do with anything. But he will always find the time to stop crying if it means Yo Gabba Gabba!

How to describe the show to someone who isn't familiar? Well, DJ Lance Rock is the host. He is a fly guy- tall and lanky with thick rimmed glasses. He wears a psychedelic orange outfit and carries around 5 dolls in his boombox that come to life... the dolls come to life, not the boombox. It's set up to be a sort of variety show and is based mostly on music and dancing.

Biz Markie and Mark Mothersbaugh have recurring roles. If that isn't enough to get you watching, other guests on the show include: The Shins , The Roots, The Ting Tings, Amy Sedaris, Jack Black, Andy Samburg, and many more. I love a show that is creative, musical, and fun for parents to watch too. We have the soundrack for the show and I have been known to put it on when there is nobody under the age of 25 around for miles.

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