Saturday, June 20, 2009

18 Month Update

So Liam is 1 1/2 years old. What a difference six months make. It seems like once he hit the one year mark he was off and running. There is definitely no "baby" left in this kid. He is an impressive mimic and bright as can be. There are random things that he identifies that always make me smile. It just seems weird that my 18 month old knows what a shark or a helicopter is. He has started putting words together now too. When he sees duckling he says "baby ducks" and when Chris leaves the house he says "where 'e go?"

His current obsessions are coloring, Elmo (who he calls LaLa because of Elmo's Song), Word World (which he calls "wor wor"), books and milk. I try to cut his milk in half sometimes with water because he drinks so much of it and he will actually watch me and yell at me if he sees water go into his milk cup! He HATES getting his teeth brushed and has to be physically restrained. But he IS an excellent listener and will mostly do what mommy asks of him.

He is 33 inches long and 26 lbs which puts him right around average. But he will never be average to me ;)

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