Monday, June 22, 2009

Err... Happy Father's Day?

I SUPPOSE I should have written this post on Sunday, but better late than never. This one is obviously dedicated to my one and only baby daddy. I always knew he would make a good friend for my kid, but I think I vastly underestimated how good of a DAD he would be. He calls me every single day to see if I have any updates on Liam from Jordanna and to ask what kind of mood he was in that morning. If I ever have a picture or video of him that I didn't share- I get a little bit scolded.

He is the kind of dad that could talk about his son all day long so you better not ask how Liam is doing unless you really want to know. His favorite work day is Monday because that is the day he gets to leave work an hour earlier and pick Liam up from daycare. I could go on and on, but if you know Chris you already know the story. The guy is infatuated with his son and what a lucky son he is.

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