Saturday, July 4, 2009

Firetrucks, Kisses, and Crayons

So far our fourth has been a pleasant, albeit hot day. This morning we attended the Plantation Forth of July parade with The Harrisons. It must have been 100 degrees outside, but the boys still enjoyed watching the countless classic cars, motorcycles, and teenage grunge bands that perused down the street. One thing that Liam did not enjoy so much to my surprise was the fire trucks. He was scared to death of them. I am not sure if it was the noise (they had their sirens blaring and horns honking as they drove by) or the size of them, but he had a death grip on my neck.

Once we got back to the house, the boys enjoyed a little playtime together. For Liam that means spending a good chunk of time trying to get as many kisses in as he can. He does this with all kids. I don't freak out any more because he is almost completely out of the biting phase and he is generally very gentle when it comes to giving hugs and kisses to other little ones. But not all kids have the appreciation for kisses and hugs that Liam does. Quite frankly, it freaks some kids out. But Eli didn't seem to mind.

Where Liam likes to create fine art, Eli is more a collector of fine art. He tried with all his might to hold every single crayon in his hands at one time. I gotta say he got pretty close a few times.

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