Friday, July 24, 2009


We have been contemplating potty training so that we won't have to worry about 2 kids in diapers when the second baby gets here. We decided the best thing to do is wait until after we get back from San Fransisco in September to start. So imagine my surprise when I got a call from Jordanna today. The story is that Liam saw Jordanna's 2 kids going "potty" and then proclaimed "poop". So Jordanna put him on the toilet where he proceeded to poop and pee.

Now normally, I don't get excited about bodily excrement and don't talk so openly about it. But I am hoping this is a glimpse of what the future holds in potty training. There is a good chance this was just a fluke, but I have heard so many horror stories about potty training that I am praying this means it will be a bearable process.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He's smart. You should start now... Plus he's a boy, so when you go out and about, it is very easy to pull over and let them pee if they can't wait till the next stop, or if there is no bathroom insight.. they actually really enjoy it!!!! ughhh today i was changing austin out of his bathing suit at the park, and the second i turned around to grab his dry clothes, he was watering the grass and laughing.. boys