Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Freakish Bump

Is it just me or is my belly abnormally large for being only 9 weeks pregnant? I know you tend to pop a little earlier the second time around, but seriously? This pregnancy has been different in a lot of ways than the first. For one, I am not sick. I felt nauseous for maybe a week, but ever since then I have felt completely normal (except for being really tired). That is one of the reasons I was a little hesitant to tell people. It made me nervous- I was soooo sick the first time.

So I waited. We had no idea how far along I was so we had an ultrasound to find out. Once I saw and heard that little heartbeat, I could exhale. It's still hard to believe, but Chris and I are obviously ecstatic. New Baby O's due to come out Februaury 16, the day after my sister's birthday.


Peggy said...

You look pretty big for 9 weeks. Just one baby in there? I only think I see one on the ultrasound.

Unknown said...

my belly is the same size....probably bigger.. maybe it's just the chocolate and wine nights :) sure blame it on the baby...

Jackie Z said...

OMG! I had no idea!!! CONGRATS!!!


Momma O said...

thanks Jackie- it was a bit of a surprise to us too! But we are really excited!

Lizzerbee said...

maybe the pregnancy is so different because it could be a girl... ;-)

Momma O said...

my sentiments exactly :)