Sunday, August 9, 2009

Art Board

Liam loves to color and he is getting pretty good at it too. By that I mean that he draws with intent even if that means it doesn't look like anything. He rarely just scribbles unless he is feeling silly. I usually give him an oversized coloring pad that we sprawl out on the floor, but that gets ripped and when he gets up he often slip or trips on it. The solution: this super cute and affordable artboard from Ikea. It only cost about $15 (sans accessories such as art supplies) and can fold up easily if you ever want to get it out of the way.

Liam seemed to really like the chalk side. I may wait a few more months before we get into the marker side. And it has a roll of paper on the bottom that can be laid over the board for coloring or painting. We don't need anything new in our house, but I felt like this was something that will last awhile and encourage creativity. And I am all for that.

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