Monday, August 10, 2009

Hey Ma!

I had a big smile on my face this morning. I had to go get some testing done to see if the baby has any signs of down syndrome. I believe last time I did this test with Liam it only consisted of a blood test. This time around I went to a different place where they have updated their methods a little.

At this office, you also get an ultrasound so they can measure the base of the babies neck. I wasn't expecting this step so I was pleasantly surprised when I got to see my little boo and how much he/she has grown. It is amazing what 4 weeks can mean in a pregnancy. I could see fingers and toes, eyes and nose, and most importantly.. movement. I just love seeing them move around and squirm when the tech pokes and prods at them. At one point, Baby O looked liked he/she was using the side of my uterus to push off of.

I got a little teary eyed at one point. It wasn't anything in particular that happened. It's just all so awesome and hard to believe sometimes. In that quiet, dark room time just seems to slow down and reality starts to seep in a little more. And there you are looking at someone that will change your life in just a few short months.

I am just a tad farther along than I thought. I'm 13 weeks which means I have about 7 more weeks before we can find out the sex. Right now the lil one is only about 3 inches long and I won't get to see her/him again until that time. So until we meet again little one, I love you soooo much.


Unknown said...

nice post:) I found out at 16 weeks with both boogers... but there is i guess the uncertainty at that point... well not really... like if it's not a boy then what is that extra area all about?!??!?!?!?

Unknown said...

oh and ... if you have a doctors appointment on a friday.... can i go?!?!?!?!??!?!? please!!!!!!!

Momma O said...

I don't know- you are gonna have to get past Daddy O!

Unknown said...

we can all go, you can say it's my baby.. you are just the one carrying it.. we are a lesbian couple, and chris is the sperm donor. ha! we were competing with the octomom, but if there is only one heartbeat we apparently lost!