Friday, November 7, 2008

That Time Of Year I Guess

Sick. Sick. Sick. I am so sick of sickness. Liam had a fever and diarrhea thing a few weeks ago and that was replaced with a steady stream of snot ever since. This past week Chris and I were wicked sick. We were achy with soar throats and sinus pressure. We each had to stay home during the week, still taking Liam to school so that he would be away from us and so we could get some much needed sleep. Today we are finally better. It seemed like Liam's nose was clearing up and are family was gonna be germ-free for the first time in weeks. I picked Liam up at daycare and he was steaming. Poor thing looked miserable. So I got him home and took his temperature and it was 102.6. He only had two things that interested him for the rest of the night- nursing and moaning. My poor little pickle breaks my heart when I have to see him like that. So we are back to the doctor's tomorrow. I can deal with a few more days as long as he is pretty close to normal by Thursday (when we leave for North Carolina on vacation). Oh, please be better by Thursday...

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