Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween '09

I love that Liam has little friends that he is excited to hang out with and that we are able to do kid things with our best friends. This year we went over Renee's house for pizza and trick or treating. She lives in a great neighborhood for that sort of thing- one of those neighborhoods where people sit outside in costume all night in front of their house to pass out candy. I love that kinda atmosphere for Halloween.

Obviously, Liam was a zebra for Halloween. Although, he decided he would rather wear the helmet from Cameron's outfit rather than the hood that came on his. And that was fine with Cameron who was refusing to wear the helmet that actually went with his costume. So Chris decided to tell everyone that Liam was a referee which I found very cute (although technically they don't wear helmets, but you get it...). The outfit itself didn't last for over a half an hour in the humid, hot weather of South Florida, but no one seemed to mind or refused him candy because of it ;)

The Matherlys: Football player, Dora the Explorer, Tootsie Roll, Diego, and Superman!

LOVE Evan's arm around Liam.

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