Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ladies Shoes

It started out innocently enough. Liam loves accessories- hats, jackets, shoes. When he sees them, he wants them on. This includes mommy and daddy shoes. When he first put on my shoes we said, "Those aren't Liam's shoes- those are ladies shoes". But he took it more as "Cool- ladies shoes!". And now it is quite common to come home and have Liam take off his shoes (kinda like Mr Rodgers) and slip into the "ladies shoes" as he now refers to them. He even gets upset at me sometimes when I put them on in the morning. And he has mastered walking around in them. He can spin, run and jump and not loose a beat. Good thing I am not one of those crazy moms who gets weird about this kinda thing. I think it's pretty darn cute.

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