Friday, June 13, 2008

Almost 6 Month Update

Liam went to his doctor's appointment a week early this month since we will be out of town next week. He is 28.25 inches long (in the 95th percentile) and weighs 18 lbs and 9 ozs. (still the 75th percentile). By now he is becoming a pro at rolling around. He is sitting up and has even started to pull his legs up underneath him. However, his arms just sorta stay limply beneath him. He's gotta learn how to pull his legs in and then use his hands to prop himself up. As everyone knows, he started eating food like a champ. It's only been three days, but he is almost eating a jar a day now. Soon we will venture on a long journey to North Carolina with him in the car and I am sure the adventures will ensue. How we look forward to keeping a 6 month old entertained in a car for 10-14 hours- such fun it will be!

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