Monday, June 23, 2008

NC Trip- Day #4

So we skipped over a few days, but it has been pretty crazy the last few days. I forgot to mention on the first day- Liam was amazing on the drive up. We honestly didn't know what to expect, but he was soooo good. And while teething... love that kid... So anyway, we have been here a couple of days now. Mostly, we have just been trying to get to know the area and looking at possible houses to live in. We found one that we really like, but are hesitant to put down the money on it. I think we are just scared that it will make everything so final. Plus there is a lot to consider that is not interesting enough to write about. But the more time we spend here, the more we know that we belong here. We are not kidding ourselves. We know it will be hard and lonely for a while, but the difference between here and S Florida is too great to ignore. So it has been mostly business since we have been here. We did take an evening to enjoy the company of Mitch, Betsey, and their kids. Betsey is Amy's sister-in-law and they live in a Northern part of Asheville that is historic. There house is just over a hundred years old and beautiful. Betsey has been helpful in pointing us in the right direction (and serving us mushroom, spinach lasagna). So at least we will know somebody here. Anyway, that is all for now.... will report back later. Sorry no pics yet, but I am not using our computer....

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